On leaving the ruins came the part of the journey that Lisa and I had been viewing with some trepidation for the last few days - the 15 hour night bus to Oaxaca. Despite the frequent stops, very bumpy and twisting roads (on which our driver decided frequent overtaking was necessary) and inspections of the bus by soldiers, I managed to secure a pretty healthy six or seven hours of sleep. Lisa fared less well. The journey for her consisted of a running battle with the portly Mexican gentleman in front who kept trying to recline his seat further and further in spite of the presence of Lisa's knees. I soundly slept through all of this. So it was that we arrived in Oaxaca with me feeling spritely and refreshed enough to keep Lisa from falling asleep in her breakfast.
We are currently on our third day in Oaxaca and are both enjoying it greatly
From here we're heading to the Oaxaca coast for some time at the beach - it's a hard life this traveling lark.
P.S.Last night, we went out to the cinema to see Avatar (which we've long been hunting for in English) and were blown away by the 3D and the incredible way the movie looked. We'd been kicking ourselves for missing it in the States, so it was really nice to have a night at the movies.
For the record, it was a bit more than a cold - I sound like a right weakling! Lisa